The Dune Fund Mission

Strong Dunes Just Don’t Happen

For over fifty years, the Cherry Grove Dune Fund has been working to preserve and protect our dunes.  As a result, today our dunes continue to be a strong defense against destructive forces.   It wasn’t always this way.

The Work Is Never Finished

Our beach and our dunes have been constantly threatened.  It has been our vigilance as well as programs such as installing snow fencing, planting and nourishing dune grass, and providing education that have helped to protect our beach and our homes.  This could only be done with your help.

Please Help Us To Continue These Efforts

Your ongoing commitment and generosity show how grass roots activity can accomplish goals in the most cost effective way.  Thank you to all who have continued to support our mission.

If you prefer to send a check, please mail it to:

Cherry Grove Dune Fund, Inc.

PO Box 4115

Cherry Grove, NY  11782